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Cangzhou Dahua goes the distance on training

来源: China National Chemical Corporation
Cangzhou Dahua has boosted its follow-up and evaluations of distance training for team leaders since the beginning of the year. The company requires its employees to participate in the training to apply and improve their daily work skills.

The company took part in a training program sponsored by ChemChina in 2009. Since then, it has established a tracking system for trainees to take exams to meet requirements set forth by ChemChina.

Cangzhou Dahua organized a top-down management network to supervise online training daily. Administrators have made tailored plans for trainees to help each other for progress.

The enterprise evaluated the training at a scheduling meeting to determine if its employees support the project.

Earlier this year, Cangzhou Dahua improved its tracking management system by requiring management to get involved with the training to apply their theoretical knowledge to outline production plans.

The plans must include relevant theories, implement measures, achieve results, while expand on projects. Subsidiaries should complete their follow-up plans.

Cangzhou Dahua recently recruited core employees for the training program. It will supervise their training to enhance their job skills to promote the development of ChemChina.

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